Fred Remains Hidden

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 86674

Fred hears one of the dwarf guards complain, "I don't understand why Sneed lets that worm Snively live. I can't stand him. One day I"ll gut him with my sword."

"Don't bother", says the other dwarf guard, "He's not worth the effort. Come on. We'd better find that child or it"ll be US gutted by Sneeds sword. We can't afford for anyone to escape and carry a warning to the prince."

The hours crawl slowly by as angry dwarves explore the rocky hillside looking for Fred. A dozen times, muddy dwarf feet stop near Freds face. Fred fears discovery, but luck is on his side and not a single dwarf face peers into Freds face.

Just as Fred begins to doubt that they will ever give up, a pair of leather boots stop before Freds hiding place.

"How can you have failed?" says Sneeds familiar voice, "I will NOT accept failure! Someone will PAY for this!"

"Captain, we've searched everywhere", says a tired dwarf voice. "Its wild country out there. The childs probably dead by now or soon will be."

"Pray you're right", says Sneed, "If that child lives to carry a warning to the prince, all will be over for us. Our only future will be disgrace and death. SNIVELY! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

"Here, sir", Snively whimpers, "Always at your side, sir."

Sneed says "What say you, Master Tracker? Master Fool? Can't you even find one small child?"

"Yes sir!" Snively whines, "If you please, sir...I tried, sir...but all the rain, sir...and the men walked all over what tracks were left..."

"BULLSHIT!" yells Sneed, "You couldn't find your own arse with a candle and a mirror!"

Snively cries "Oh yes sir! I know, sir! I am scum at the bottom of your mighty boot..."

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" yells Sneed, "Back to the horses. Theres much to be done. Post armed guards along this damned road. I WANT THAT CHILD FOUND!"

"Not a minute too soon", complains one dwarven guard, "I"m soaked to the bone."

Slowly, the complaining voices fade away.

Outside, the rain gusts and the wind wails. But Fred is warm, dry, and safe...for the moment. Slowly, Freds heavy eyelids close. Fred curls up beside Woofy and is soon fast asleep.

Hours later, Fred is dreaming of eating a great feast when he is awakened to Woofy licking his face and tugging at his hair.

Fred protects himself from the puppys greeting, sits up, and stretches.

Freds head bumps solid stone and memory of the horrible night just past floods back upon him.

"Well, Woof", Fred says, "I guess it wasn't a dream." Rubbing his head.

Fred continues "I guess I"d better do something...but what?"

  1. Fred follows the dwarves and tries to rescue his parents
  2. Fred heads across country to find help...he is only a child after all
  3. Fred attempts to reach the city and warn the prince

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