
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 83028

Astra looked at Fred blankly. What was a "press corps"? What was a "press secretary"? If she was a governor, what was she supposed to be governing? Were the strange things on her feet shoes or instruments of torture? If she tried to stand up, would she fall over? Actually walking in them seemed out of the question.

She decided not to reveal her ignorance. She had trusted "her" Fred totally, but this look-alike seemed, unlike her, to belong in this strange new reality, and she wasn't sure how far she trusted him. She seized on the one word that seemed to bear some relation to her own memory of her recent experiences. "Barrelgate?"

"Yes. You must have been very drunk to do those things.."

"So drunk that I can't remember anything about it," she said. "What exactly did I do?"

  1. Fred told her.
  2. The press had grown impatient with waiting. Before Fred could reply the door from the outer office burst open.

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