
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 82332

“Now see here,” Fred broke in suddenly, “I have had quite enough of this for one day.” He turned to Exotica and bowed slightly. “My Lady, just beyond the cave entrance my squire is waiting with two horses and provisions enough to last us the journey northward. It is my first and foremost priority to escort you back home safely. Astra, you are more than welcome to join us. As for you others, I’m afraid you’re on your own for now. My eternal gratitude is offered to each and every one of you and I give you my word of honor that I will send what help I may when I reach the garrison in the valley to the north.”

He’d had enough of bickering sorceresses and talking tigers and the like. He was tired and his feet ached. He needed a warm meal and a stout pint to wash it down. And though he fully intended to repay the generosity that had thus far been shown to him, to be frank, he really didn’t care if he ever saw any of these strange folk ever again.

Belboz became visibly flustered by the knight’s disruption. “It’s rude to interrupt your elders,” he snarled in a voice that sounded like a pit full of hissing vipers. “You are not to leave. Not you or your king’s brat. Not anyone. I’m not going to tell you again. If we’re lucky and Minestus isn’t in too foul a mood (he's always grumpy when he first awakens from his naps) we might be able to convince him to put us back in those jewels, myself included...but first we must present ourselves before him in a most humiliating and groveling fashion. He must not catch us here, carrying on like this. I insist that you all follow me to a special chamber’ll find out. I’m on your side, can’t you see?”

Sigin growled and advanced on the necromancer. “You go too far, Belboz.”

Elaine, who had at first seemed offended by Lord Fred’s remarks, now chanted strange words of power in a hoarse whisper.

Astra readied herself. Mathias fingered the hilt of his sword. Exotica shrunk away into the shadows.

And Belboz merely sighed and began rubbing a ring with a blue sapphire on it, attached to his right index finger [397].

  1. Before things got completely out of hand, Adele threw herself in front of her father and pleaded with the others to stand down.

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