
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 82177

Astra, dressed in shapeless, baggy McDonald's stuff, lunges out the window and tries to strangle Reaibn.
"YOU!" she screams. "Half the city of Gilder demolished!"
"No lives lost!" screams Reaibn. "NO LIVES LOST! I TELEPORTED THEM!"
It's then the two realize that Astra is, purely by accident, strangling Scott.

  1. Astra lets go.
  2. Astra hates Scott as well.
  3. Scott lumbers up his courage and punches Astra straight in her very large left breast. Due to the sheer size, it tickles. "Tee hee!"
  4. Scott punches Astra in the eye. He feels a breif flash of childhood manly guilt, then peels rubber out of the drive-thru. A bruised Astra falls to the floor of the McDonalds.
  5. Suddenly, everyone switches places.
  6. Drew Carey plunges from the sky and smashes straight through the engine block.

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