Boring McDonalds

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 82174

The only excitement is that the McDonalds has old fashioned cardboard trays so the food isn't spilling out all over and flipping upside down and junk. Reaibn, oddly enough, efficently arranges everything on his side of the car. Scott pays and pulls out.

  1. Boring!
  2. Suddenly, because a door is open, the two can hear a musical number going on inside the McDonalds.
  3. By the time they leave the parking lot, Reaibn has eaten his stuff. He pulls out a dozen fifties, gives Scott one and then demands they drive down the street to Taco Bell.
  4. Suddenly Drew Carey plunges from the sky and smashes into the pavement ten feet behind them.
  5. Josh runs up and head butts the hood then runs off. He is dressed like Captain America, at least from the waist down. From the waist up, the Black Widow. Ew.
  6. Somehow, without creating any sort of mess or damaging anything, Reaibn has lost all of his food except for two fries.
  7. Boring nonsense happens and lots of it.

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