Astra's Adversary

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 82145

Astra wondered why she had been given dark blue fur rather than a more "natural" colour. At least it wasn't pink, she consoled herself.

She was fairly sure that all these changes could not have happened to her by pure bad luck and that someone, whom she thought of as "the adversary", must be behind them. And perhaps it had been more than chance that had brought her to this place when Dr Vincent's magic had gone awry, and he (or she) was behind that too. As to his identity, she wondered if it could be the same magic user who had sent Fred and herself to the desert to die from heat, hunger and thirst, [232] only for them to be unexpectedly saved by stumbling across Vincent's tower.

Then her adversary showed himself.

  1. In the form of an old man.
  2. In the form of a dragon.
  3. In the form of a catman.
  4. He had taken the likeness of Fred, hoping that she would think that he was the real Fred.

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