What the?!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8158

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Now, the master was looking nose to beak to the large creature known as Trilling Blackfeather. Trilling is a griffin of ebony black, and like most of these lion/eagle combinations......is HUGE. Griffins can carry a human being on their back in flight easily for long distances. A griffin standing on it's four feet is as tall as a human being standing. Trilling is looking down at the scared evil Time Lord, wondering what HIS story is on this nightmare given flesh. The TARDIS has arrived, and the Twins of Doom have made their appearance. Dark Trilling pauses, and looks away from the Master for a moment to gaze upon the legend in the flesh....and figure out how best to exploit this. He failed to notice the gun that the Master landed upon....

The Master, seeing the monster look away for a moment, does something admittedly stupid in retrospect. Now is his chance! If he shoots this monstrosity, then he can run and get to safety! He grabs the raygun that he is laying on.

Might have worked if he had remembered that the Mark 7 neural disrupter pistol was only lethal on man size smaller creatures. "Man sized" is definitely NOT what Trilling was!

"Stop you fool!" shouts the Doctor right before the Master hits Trilling three times with his weapon. The griffin roars in pain as the shock of the disrupter courses through him. It's painful, but not lethal. A swipe of the griffin's clawed hand tears the disrupter from his hand.....as WELL as the hand that held it! The shock does...however....begins to tear down a wall that had gone up to hide the good Light Trilling from the Dark Trilling (and vice versa). The Mark 7's effects on the mind of a creature of magical origin never was tested, for obvious reasons. It wouldn't have this effect on a normal griffin....but Trilling Blackfeather is a special griffin in many ways. Originally, he was an evil duke known as Zular. He fell victim to Zerm the Unspeakable, and was transformed into the ebony griffin now known as Trilling Blackfeather. Because the dark plumage was seen as an omen by other griffins, Trilling soon became the king of the griffins. Good and well for him, for Zular always wanted a kingdom. However, due to the nature of his transformation (and his unwillingness to accept his new form), insanity struck. He now has two personalities running around in his skull. The one known as Dark Trilling is his original personality....changed in the fact that it now loves being a griffin. The other is Light Trilling, everything that Zular had not been....but was able to fake for appearance sake. To make matters worse, due to the strange nature of the transformation and the nature of Terra Prime, the split personality is different from the more mundane version of it in that the OTHER personality....the one called Light Trilling.....IS ACTUALLY ANOTHER PERSON COMPLETE WITH SOUL.

Well, whoever is the one that pounces on the Master does a real number on him before the Dragons are able to pull him off the Master.

The Master is rushed off to an infirmary (under guard of course....for he DID come out of the now vanished TARDIS).

The Twins, Doctor, and the others are marched off at gunpoint to be stripped and taken care of later. Protest from them fail to get any results, since no Terran (not even the Anglish) speak anything close enough to understand their brand of English. A mage will cast a general translation spell to try to understand what they are saying later.

Malachi looks after the wobbly looking Trilling, who waves her off and says he's okay now....the blast just caused him to react violently.....as griffins are wont to do when wounded (an instinctive reaction).

Malachi then turns and looks warily at the OTHER thing that popped in. It looks like a statue, but......

Malachi and Sigin Dronocis had flown out to find out what the sudden flare of fear had been, and had found this. Well aware of the legend of the Twins, she never the less wishes the sudden arrivals no harm. She isn't that kind of person to kill without cause.

Still, this situation is VERY delicate, and will be taken care of with the stern measures and LOTS of guards.

Malachi then pulls out several spell components and chalks to help Sigin in tracing the wardings to keep the curious away from the strange object....and to keep whatever that might come out of this thing from getting far.....

Later that night

The Doctor looks rather disgruntled. He and his companions are now dressed in the clothing provided them by the stern guards. Their original clothing lays in a pile behind something like a forcefield....but it's being generated by what the Doctor can only call glyphs!

His companions, tired of having no luck at trying to get the guards at letting them out, have retired for the night in a funk.

He taps the warding circle's field that keeps him a prisoner, and then shakes his head.

"This bloody can't be real," he mutters to himself.

Fantastic things have been done that he's witnessed. Things almost magical. Things done by science. However, for the life of the incredible being called the Doctor......

He doesn't have a bloody clue as to how all this is being done!

Whatever the case, though, the Doctor realizes that he'd better at least try to accept the apparent reality in as far as not ignoring it. Whatever this place is, trying to ignore it could prove......harmful. One piece of this place nearly laid the Master low!

Just thank the gods that the Master's TARDIS had somehow been dragged along by....whatever had taken him and his companions here! Hopefully, he could get inside and get it to work. Whatever had killed his TARDIS had spared the other ship. And that other time machine was the key to getting home....and saving Earth.


Meanwhile, he's NOT laughing....for there is little to laugh at, here.

"At least they could have given us something with more....style," he mutters, picking at the plain grey pants and trousers he's been consigned with.

The Master hangs between life and death. The mages were able to stabilize his vital signs (the two hearts had drawn shouts of surprise), but little more could be done.

The Military will be called in to see what else can be done. The mages patient will have to wait for a few days. He's unconscious via spell, and so will not be too inconvenienced by the wait.

Finally, on the eve of the vital meeting for the United Nations, Dark Trilling has managed to sneak into the kitchen to slip in the final ingredient for the Helenas' death (difficult to do in his current form....but as Zular he had trained under the best). He's been feeling....odd....ever since that bearded man had shot him with that horrible weapon, but tonight will make up for the discomfort....... He just needs to place this powder in the wine...... And their deaths will be the first step in my revenge, Dark Trilling thinks to himself, chuckling.

The wall finally collapse, and Light and Dark suddenly meet!

"You can't do that!" Light Trilling says aloud, aghast. "If a person drinks it, they may ingest something that will have a lethal effect later on!"

Who are you!? Dark Trilling shouts mentally, struggling for control. I WILL have my revenge!

The kitchen staff finds the ebony griffin squirming on the floor....having an argument with himself!

The Twins of Doom have struck, but not in a way that was expected......

Sigin and the Shaman of the Griffins are the first to the scene, with Trilling's wives a close second, to figure out just what the heck is up!

  1. "Two souls?" the Shaman gasps as he finishes the last battery of magical tests on the his unconscious king.....

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