The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8057

Two world meet on the World of Two Moon.....

Two races meet....and this is gonna HURT!

The meeting has nothing to do what happens next, in as far as CAUSING it. It has nothing to do with the strange people the elves, the Wolfriders, met before meeting the sunburned humans, Astra and Fred, in as far as causing it.

It has something to do....with the fallout from the Brazen Man (lines crossed....long story for later).

A crash.

A beautiful, highly radiant "Holt of Holts" merges with it's inbound counterpart....that holds the ancestors of the Wolfriders....of all the elves descended from the High Ones. Rayek had been trying to save the High Ones from the disaster that had marooned them on this world. However, unlike in the series, he was not swayed by the on looking Wolfriders....nor his friends Ekuar's calm....but heart wrenching words. He disregarded all, knowing that by doing this he would be erasing all those who were NOT within the safe confines of the Palace (dwelling of the High Ones).

Two objects can NOT occupy the same space at the same time. Throw in the fact that the objects in question have a link in temporal matters. One word.


Time twists....bends....and snaps into smaller and smaller pieces as the paradox and explosion races up and down the time stream of this universe.

It makes no human sense.... but then again this is in a Realm of math and science that won't be achieved by any mortal race.....ever.

Before Rule 4564567 can even attempt to halt the cataclysm.....he and his Chaos counterpart are engulfed....and all scream as they drop into the primal soup that the universe came from.

This is the first.....and LAST time such as this will happen. Because of Rayek's damn actions, only a handful of survivors from this disaster are alive.

Fred and Astra are among them, for their "origin" does not trace itself to the Wolfrider's universe. The proximity of the elves to the humans serves as a strange.....inexplicable means of shielding the Wolfriders from the waves and waves of paradoxes.

They arrive, unconscious and tattered on various disgruntled Rules desks. It's agreed that these elves are VERY lucky. But, the can't be allowed to continue as they are. They have no real origins. It was erased by the destruction wrought by Rayek. Rayek himself....and several time/space throw offs (shades of Dr. Who) died by the backlash from ONE of them being at "ground zero" when the explosion/paradox occurred. The nearest Rayek had been zapped....and the effect had migrated to his twins.

Ah, but you are wondering about who exactly survived? Well, the Wolfriders did, naturally....but due to their association with other elfin tribes....via future encounters.....the Gliders, Sunfolk, and the Gobacks are also dragged into the fun......except for Winnowill. She was also just a touch to near ground zero, and also keeled over (her and her duplicates).

In all, the timeline for these elves has fractured and splintered into eight (natch....considering they have EIGHT fingers and even count in base eight....really). They break up into duplicates of varying ages.....analogous to the times and situations that one would find in the graphic novels the other author (Elfquest) is so gung ho about : - ).

So, some elves have up to EIGHT duplicates running around (those who lives up to the eighth novel)!

This shan't have an effect on the time orphaned elves until their....you guessed it!....their eighth birthday! See, the Rules have put each and every elf into the re-incarnation pool, and they have all been reborn as Terra Prime elves (males to male bodies....and females to females)! On their eighth birthday, they blow out their candles on their cake and are getting presents....and the memories of their prior lives....back. Should prove interesting and amusing all around, eh? Especially considering the fact that they'll be born on all the same day, eh?

As for Astra and Fred, they wake up outside the gates of Fred's castle.....none the worse for wear (and fully healed and equipped). They have NO idea how they got their.

As the fallout of this disaster.....steps are taken. The skeins of reality are tightened and strengthened a thousand fold. Net effect is that while dimensional/time hopping groups will still be hopping about.....disastrous encounters wlll no longer be taking place. This is because for now on, as far as the Terra Prime sector of the multiverse is concerned, the buck stops here. No more hostile encounters with different dimensional hopping cultures/races. The Enemy/Alliance war has put enough of a strain on things, as it stands. The Rules want no more of this stuff, so no more slobber knocking wars from stuff like that. The strain put on the skeins had been terrible....and if yet another war broke out.....the Rules had NO idea what the outcome would be. As for time travel, if a traveler so much as TRIED to do the same type of stunt as Rayek tried.....they'd find themselves reincarnated and in diapers.......

  1. "No more. This far and NO MORE!" As Picard would say.

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