Dance for me, Lord Fred!!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7993

Fred put his hands in his pockets and whistled an innocent tune as he heard the sound of the magician approaching.
"Well..." Belboz said as he suddenly appeared. "I've consulted my lawyers..."
"Your what!?" Fred asked, a confused expression on his face. "You said you were consulting freinds!"
Belboz chuckled slightly. "Oh no no, my good man. Im quite sure I said lawyers. Anyways, lawyers/freinds, all the same to me."(At this point Lord Fred thought that this magician must have some nasty freinds.)Belboz paused and looked Fred up and down with an appraising eye. "Well anyways." He continued "They say that I could be facing some serious legal difficulties from the dragon if I do what you ask."
"Legal problems!? I AM LORD FRED!! Do you want gold? I have gold! Power? I'll give you land and..."
"Talk is cheap!" Belboz interupted. "The only thing that would entice me to do your biding is if you did a little dance for me....or something."

Fred gazed at the magician with a blank look on his face and....

  1. Began to do a little dance his mummy had taught him.
  2. Refused to do such an undignified thing!

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