Lots Kills

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 76876

Not only that, he accidentally kills the terrorists by firing rockets into the elevator car seventeen times in a row.
The inside front of the building collapses into the wide, spacious lobby. Inky McGink, the tiniest terrorist, escapes into the night. Many others are killed. All the good guys escape serious injury, except Josh who does a triple somesault onto some exposed iron rebar for some damn reason.
Grunting and groaning and moaning and texting, the good guys and surviving terrorists pick themselves up out of the mess that is now the lobby and search for their guns.

  1. The battle begins anew.
  2. Cops arrive and arrest the terrorists.
  3. Cops arrive and arrest the good guys.
  4. Cops arrive and arrest everyone. Including several cops. What the?
  5. Anywho, the terrorists and good guys turn their guns onto Lots42. He is turned into a fine red paste.
  6. Dorothy Gale, the Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow rush in and try to make peace.
  7. Reaibn leaps from a crack in the roof. As he plunges fifteen stories to the debris field below, he kills the rest of the terrorists. Then he lands on Lots42; killing Lots but saving his own weird life.
  8. Everyone rushes outside to see the full moon and Halley's Comet.
  9. Scott leaps from a high ledge onto Josh; the rebar impales him also.
  10. A laser trap activates; wildly swinging through the lobby. Everyone screams and runs. A terrorist is bisected.

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