Escape from Hell

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 75928

Fred becomes filled with ennui and says "We must escape this hellhole of depravity. Even now I feel my soul grow weary of this velvet prison, wherein my life burns away in degenerate excess."

"Fred, I'm not real," said the skeleton. "You've got to listen to me. You're not real either. None of this is real."

"Stop with your wicked, lying lies, you whore!!" Fred sneers, knocking out a guard and grabbing his pike-axe. Since all but two of the corridors are fake, he knows he has to select the right one - the one that will lead him up to the 500 foot metal ladder affixed to the outside of the mental asylum, and not the path down into the boiler room.

  1. Take the stairway up.
  2. Take the stairway down.
  3. Ask the skeleton for advice.
  4. Break into Mother Superior's office in the middle of the night.

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