Pigeons from Hell (or New York, Same Difference)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 73455

"You don't know who I am, do you?" said the gangleader, strutting and sneering. "Well? Do you?" The gang members were circling around the

"Not really, no," said Lord Fred.

"I'm Tornado Mike, the biggest, baddest mofo in town! Tornado Mike. I am Tornado Mike!"

"We get the idea, lamebrain" shouted Tarin, swinging his warhammer. He snarled gleefully, ready make like Zorro on crack and do some serious damage.

"Wait, what's that?' said one of Tornado Mike's burly henchmen. There was a black cloud in the distance that seemed to be getting larger and larger.

"Run!" screamed Tornado Mike, jumping on his motorcycle. "Giddouttaheah! Run!"

"What's this?" said Astra. "Things were just getting interesting!"

"Oh no," said Tarin. "It's pigeons."

"What's a pigeon?" said Fred.

"Only the meanest, nastiest, most vicious animal in the whole Gods-damned world. Even a dragon would think twice before crossing a flock of pigeons. Let's get out of here!" Tarin revved up the car and drove back towards the edge of the city. Behind him Fred saw that the black cloud was actually a flock of birds. In the distance, growing louder every minute, he could hear a horrible cooing.

The car raced through the ruined streets, its tires screeching. But the flock of pigeons was gaining on them faster than the car could move. Fred could already see their beady little red eyes, full of hate.

At that moment the engine began to stall. "No! Not now, damn it!" screamed Tarin.

"Is there any way you could fix the car!" screamed Astra, trying desperately to be heard over the cooing. Tarin pulled out his warhammer, leaped onto the engine and began to smash it. "That's not helping!" shouted Astra. The pigeons were above them now and slowly and inexorably swooped down. Fred pulled out his sword and slashed at them, but for every one he felled another came in. He felt their claws dig into his flesh...

  1. And then he awoke in the dead city in the caves. [72652] He was no longer alone.

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