
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 72981

The priest is nursing his whiskey, and has red-rimmed eyes and dusty vestments on. Seeing Scott look at him, he motions him over with shaking hand. Scott, in great spirits, comes over and sits by him. "Hello father," he says, "are you ok?"

"Ah, my son," says the priest, "I have to tell you, I have to tell you what I have seen. It is horrible," and then the priest just opens and closes his mouth for a few seconds, then downs his shot. He then calls out to the bartender. "Bring the bottle" he says. When the barkeep does so he fills his shot glass and one for Scott as well. "you will need this, yes, I think you will".

Scott pats the priest on the back. "Everything will be ok, father, just tell me whats going on. I am here to help." This prompts a smile from the old priest, who sighs and pulls out a piece of folded and yellowed paper from his robe.

"Read this," he says, handing it to Scott. "then, I will elaborate if you still want to know. Its awful, its awful" and then he downs another shot.

Scott unfolds the paper and begins to read:
I have found it, the Tome of Kora'Begath. I have lived in this chapel for twenty years, and cleaned these same storerooms weekly for all of those. This day, there it was, its unclean foulness a tangible taint in such a holy place. I had to touch it, to remove it from this place, and took it to the graveyard to the Mangess Mausoleum. It is in the bottom right slot. To whoever is here after me. Do not touch this thing! I am burning this paper, so if you find it then weep for the death of all things is upon us all! I hear things now, I must leave, I must escape. I cannot sleep.

"I found that," says the man "in my Bible, by my bed. Yesterday morning. The writing is that of the priest who was here before my predecessor. I thought it was a joke, because the graveyard was destroyed ten years ago and the Hollyway Shopping Plaza built in its place. Remember?"

Scott nods, having just went there the other day to buy parts for a robot he is building. "Yeah, that was such a controversy. But priest, could this paper not be a joke?"

"Heh" says the priest, pouring yet another shot. "I wish, young man. I wish. But you see, I am not drinking because of a yellowed parchment. I am ending thirty four years of abstinence because when I went down Holly avenue this morning, I found not the shopping plaza... but the graveyard!" the old man then begins to sob hysterically.

A chill goes down Scott's spine, but then he rebounds quickly. "Come on now, lets go look together. This is a good day, I think that you will find that everything is going to work out." Shaking his head, the priest nonetheless allows Scott to lead him out of the bar (after Scott covers the bill for both of them) and down the street.

The priest just keeps muttering "You will see, you will see!" as they head on down towards Holly avenue. A few minutes later, they reach it, and turn down. Two blocks later, they come across...

What do they come to?

  1. the Shopping Plaza. The old man falls to his knees and thanks the heavens.
  2. a graveyard which the sun does not penetrate. There are two men standing by the gate, silent and staring straight ahead.
  3. a giant empty lot. Neither the graveyard nor the plaza are there.

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