Bawdy House of Mystery

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 70137

Cautiously, Freda and Astra explored the building. From the foyer, they went through a variety of bedrooms. Several times, they stopped to admire some of the outfits they found there, and while usually one or the other of them realized what they were doing and they stopped, there were a few times that they spent a while rifling through closets (although there was no point trying anything on, since as Vincent had proved, anything they put on would simply become diaphanous strips of silk).

They also went into what must have been Madame Candida's office area, as well as a kitchen and a couple of other rooms. There was no sign of anyone, either bawdy girl or customer. There was some disarray, but no more than one might expect from a house full of bawdy girls, and no indication that the people there had been forcible dragged off or vanished against their wills.

"This is getting really strange," Astra said, standing in the kitchen and nibbling on some cheese. "Do you think when he sent us here, Pronkelzilch knew that the place was deserted?"

"I just wonder if he's responsible for it," Freda said.

"But he said he was on good terms with Candida again - why would he send us here and banish her and all her girls?"

"Who knows why he does anything he does?" Freda sighed. "I think he just likes messing with people."

"I guess," Astra conceded. "So what do we do now?"

  1. Freda and Astra decide to stay and see if anyone shows up.
  2. Freda and Astra decide to leave.
  3. Freda and Astra try to leave, but find they are unable.
  4. Just then, Madame Candida and her girls return,
  5. Just then, Pronkelzilch appears.
  6. Just then, Vincent appears.
  7. Just then, a handsome young delivery man arrives with a grocery order.

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