Cock-Rock Alienation

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 69359

"Stan, there's something I really want to talk to you about," Josh says as their weather balloon drifts slowly across the Pacific Ocean.
"Is it a way to get off this crazy balloon and back home?"
"No, I want to ask you about The Thing's thingie."
"The Thing's what?"
"His thingie! You know, like you and I have got!"
"Josh, I didn't sign up for this! So I don't really need to answer your stupid questions about--"
"Just tell me, is his penis made of rock, too?"

Without a word, Stan Lee moves over to Josh, grabs him around his lower legs, and flips him backwards out of the basket. Josh screams the whole way down until he hits the water with a sickening sound.

"True believers don't ask Stan Lee about inanity like that!" Lee yells down to Josh's broken body before it disappears below the waves.

  1. That'll show 'em!
  2. Stan Lee now contemplates how he'll get out of this predicament now that he's all alone.
  3. Suddenly, Stan starts obsessing about the Thing's, well, thingie.

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