Terrorists Smoking Dope

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 69168

The scene was indeed disturbing. A quartet of armed men were smoking dope, and spouting off what they thought were new insights.

Terrorist one: "This stuff makes me feel kind of light. But I was thinking. I had this new idea."

Terrorist two: "What idea?"

Terrorist one: "I don't remember, but it new."

Then there was clumsy laughter.

Terrorist one: "Hey, I remember now. If we were to go into the bathrooms of the Pentagon, and put hidden microphones in, that would be cool."

Terrorist three: "We could monitor every movement that they make!"

One man yelled, "Switch off that tape! I can't take any more of this!"

  1. The terrorists continue their dope-fuelled plotting.
  2. Chaos erupts.

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