
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 68428

Now that Fred was convinced in his own mind that the the girl was not a witch, he was able to relax and listen to her story.

"There is a navigable river that runs from the foothills of these mountains all the way to southerm Aquilaria, before turning eastward and eventually reaching the sea," Alexandra said. "It passes close to the small village where I live. My father is a trader, and since most of thr roads are poor he has a boat and travels up and down the river, selling his wares. This time, he took me with him. We had gone upstream as far as the river is navigable and had just turned downstream again, when a side current took us over a weir. The boat nearlyt capsized, and I was thrown overboard. Before my father could throw me a line, I was caught in a whirlpool. A hole must have opened in the bed of the river. I was thrown about in the turbulent water in near total darkness for a while, before I lost consciousness. When I came round, I found that I had been washed up on a beach at the edge pf an underground lake."

"You said earlier that you had been a prisoner of the dragon," Fred said. [16130] "How did that happen? And why did my crest initially make you think that I worked for your father? It is an Allarian crest, for I am a knight of King Emry's. Surely Aquilarian traders do not normally have a crest or have knights in their employ. I think that you have been lying to me - why I know not - and that your father is someone far more important than a mere trader."

  1. Alexandra admits this.
  2. Alexandra denies it.
  3. But before Alexandra can reply...

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