Ground pound

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 66671

Fortunately for the sake of the story the duo survive with only anime wounds, which are healed with applications of bandages. William Shatner, who had been in the backseat, dies swiftly.
Anyway, the two bandaged fools stumble off to find themselves in the middle of Las Vegas.

  1. Gamble wildly.
  2. Gamble sanely.
  3. Josh and Scott join the Mafia and do some grunt work.
  4. Josh and Scott accidentally join opposing Mafias. They try to broker peace and naturally fail.
  5. Josh drowns in a decorative fountain. Scott pokes the body over to the water jets.
  6. Scott finds the power switch for the entire city. Oops.
  7. Scott finds Zach Braff.

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