Happy Rolling Cowboy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 66565

Stunned from a delicious ice cream cake that was fired into his stomach courtesy of a crazed Patrick Stewart, Scott pulls out his pistol from his drawers and fires seven shots. The sound of gunfire sends all of the sane partygoers running for cover while screaming loudly. Patrick Stewart is unmoved. Josh simply is too drunk to care what's going on.

When the smoke clears, it becomes apparent that Scott had fired all seven of his bullets into the floor. While Patrick Stewart is free to make another attempt at humiliating a guest at the party, Scott is actually pleased that he finally got even with his archnemesis...THE FLOOR.

  1. Scott stands up and tells a long, rambling story about his ongoing problems with THE FLOOR.
  2. Josh throws up on the buffet table.
  3. Stewart shoots Scott again.
  4. Water sprays up from the bullet holes.
  5. Something absurd happens next...

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Ben McClellan

4/18/2007 8:48:33 PM

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