A Strange Recovery

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 65213

As Fred turned back to face the monkey, he found the monkey on his face. As he staggered backwards, yelling in surprise and pain, the screeching primate grasped Fred's throat with its claws and clamped its sharp jaws onto Fred's nose.

Fred grabbed the monkey's tail in his fists and pulled hard, but the tail simply fell off, and the whole action seemed to only enrage the creature further. Screaming like a mutant banshee, it dove its teeth into Fred's neck, who in his panic, tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. Fred could feel the liquid warmth running down his chest, could feel the blistering agony as the teeth tore through tendons and nerves. His frantic attempts to remove the deranged monkey became weaker, and the monkey sensed this, re-doubling its efforts to maim Fred into submission.

In just a few moments, darkness engulfed the mind of Fred. His struggles had diminished to intermittent twitches. He felt the monkey retreat, saw it hop off his bloody chest with almost casual aplomb, and heard it scamper down a nearby passage. He was alone.

Fred choked, and a glob of blood, phlegm and vomit dribbled down his cheek. His nose was in tatters, and his throat was a tangled mess of arteries, skin, flesh and muscle. His breaths were raspy and frenetic. He could still feel the warm blood from his wounds flowing down his neck and seeping into his sodden shirt. But yet, he was alive, though perhaps not for long. Before he passed into unconsciousness, Fred somehow mustered the strength to tie a desperate tourniquet around his gaping throat, though it did little to staunch the red current.

The hours passed, the blood still flowed freely, but still Fred remained alive. How is this happening?, he asked himself during moments of consciousness. The wounds were surely too severe to survive. But then, for no known reason, Fred awoke once more. He felt his breathing ease, and the pain subsiding. Reaching up a shaking finger, he felt for the gaping throat wound. But all he could feel was taut, smooth skin, interrupted only by patches of congealed blood. In shock, he reached up to his nose which had only hours ago been mangled beyong recognition. It was pristine, the cartilage and bones in perfect alignment.

Fred stood up, amazed that he was able to. He felt no pain now. In fact, he almost felt......healthier in some way. Revitalised. But then an awful thought hit him in the dark.



  1. .....the monkey returned to Fred, an enigmatic expression playing over its face.
  2. .....a warrior woman approached, a harried expression on her face.
  3. .....the eerie silence began to unnerve Fred, and he continued on his way.
  4. .....Belboz returned, a lustful expression on his face.

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