The Pain...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 64745

"AAAAH!" Fred screamed as loud and as long as he could, first in horror, then in pure pain as they all swarmed upon him "ARGH! OH HOLY MOTHER OF AAAAAAH!" "Fu-" Then, after being stung almost a thousand times, everything went black.

  1. When Fred wakes up, he is in a white room, and Belboz is there, looking angry.
  2. Fred wakes up, chained to a wall, and a man made of bees is there, looking argry.
  3. Fred wakes up in the same room, and is still being stung by bees. (Who are angry.)
  4. Fred doesn't wake up. Dying makes Fred angry.

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El' MooCow (title is a reference to MGS 3, btw)

3/10/2007 5:47:11 PM

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