I'll Sit Alone and Think a Lot About You

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 64560

The next door that you and Kim enter leads to the visitors' room in the Nevada State Prison. Your father is incarcerated here on a number of charges, and he should be out ten years from now. His arrest split the family, as your mother refuses to visit, or even acknowledge her husband ever since he went to jail.

Kim waits in a special room with an armed guard while you are taken to the booth to meet your dad. You haven't seen Daddy in seven years. He's been claiming his innocence ever since, but it's done no good.

Two prison guards sit your father down. Your eyes pop open in shock as you see Dad for the first time in a long time. His haircut is feminine, he's wearing lipstick and eyeliner, and he seems to be wearing womens' clothing. Dad also has several ugly sores around his mouth and a bruise on one side of his face.

"Sorry I look like this," lisps your dad. "Me and the husband got into it last night. I'm just glad they gave me a nice cushion to sit on. Boy, he got me good!"

  1. You run screaming out of the prison.
  2. You start laughing hysterically at how absurd the whole situation is.
  3. Wow, no wonder Mom refuses to talk to her husband...

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