the bejeweled Knife of RA

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 6379

The last day had been a strange one: he had encountered Velus, a dog who said he was an Allarian youth but who was now enchanted by the Dragon of the Southern Caves, yet who in truth was revealed to be a strange being from far off who had the power to transform people into base animals.

This creature, called Velius, wished to destroy the lands of Allaria and indeed all the lands of the earth! Yet in its dealings with Lord Fred, it had led him out of the Caves and towards a forest not too distant from them. There they had found a hut and within, lo and behold, was the King of Allaria!!! How he had got to be there Fred did not know, yet he was grateful for his presence because the King wisely distracted the alien creature with a most marvelous crown.

The crown was beautiful, made of solid gold and inlade with precious stones. Only one space was empty, and that was the space meant for the Gem of Isis. The King told the alien that this gem was emerald in color and molded into the design of a beetle. He also told the alien that the gem would restore his youth and grant him full power across his Kingdom. Velius went off instantly on the quest to find the Gem of Isis.

Now, Fred had left the hut to breath some fresh air -and possibly go on this quest himself- when he met a strange little gnome-child who told him the preposterous tale that the King was not really the King but an evil wizard consumed with power. Not only that, he told Fred that he would need to kill this wizard-masquerading-as-King with a jeweled Knife of Ra; and if he didn't, then the gnome would kill him!

Fred had little mental manuevering room here, gnomes were not well-known in the Kingdom of Allaria, indeed, the Great Kingdom was filled mostly with People and a smattering of elves. Dwarves had not been seen for many long years, the Holbytlan were few and prefered the rolling hills west of the Red March. What he knew of gnomes then, was mostly grandmother's tales, yet no one ever called his grandmother -the Duchess of Whit- a yarn- spinner. And so, what he knew of these creatures was that they could weave spells of illusion so quick that even the greatest mage could be hoodwinked by them, and if their spells didn't work out they'd kick you in the groin and run as quick as lightning.

So Fred, still trying to think of a way out, took the knife. It was a marvel, truth be told. The handle was silver and held three large stones on the flat side while there were six smaller stones embedded into the rounded side. It fit snugly into his palm, as if it was meant just for him. The blade was incredible as well; it was shaped like a crescent moon and it looked to be the tooth of a great beast! That tooth glittered even more so than the precious stones.

Looking upon the gnome again, Fred noticed it still smiled sadly. "Why do you frown?" asked Fred of the small creature.

"Because all life is precious and you shall shortly take a life, That is why I do not smile."

Fred wondered at its words. Could he return to the hut and kill the King? Was the King truly an evil mage? Could this be a trick by the diminutive being in order for the King to be murdered and the greatest knight of the Kingdom to be incarcerated, exiled or executed? Fred wasn't sure, he wasn't sure at all.

  1. Fred had to decide on only one course of action, and after some time thinking, he did just that.

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