The Ice Golem

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 62647

Fred was hitting at the pillar, hungry for the diamonds, but then... "RoooOOOarr!" A loud roar is heard, coming from Fred's east. He shivers, partly in fear, partly because of the cold, and turns to see...

An ice golem.

Fred gasped. He needed a weapon, and fast. Ice golems were known to be particularly bloodthirsty creatures. Nobody was sure exactly where the living beasts of ice had came from, but nobody really cared. They were dangerous and that was what matters.

"Uhh..." Fred thinks about what weapon he needed now...

  1. Fred hits the golem with the hammer.
  2. Fred pulls out a torch from his pack and light it.
  3. Fred unsheathes his sword and slashes at the golem.

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