Now is the time for dragon killing

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 62357

Then, promptly and with a swiftness which gave him an advantage over the slower goblin, the dog charged it, and mid jump turned into a bare, which crushed the goblin with its heavy paws. Suddenly, a strange beeping starts, and they realize that the area is rigged. They try to run but the gates close. Then the dog disappears in a poof of illogical insanity.

  1. The king dies, but his ghost goes on.
  2. Its a stick, and the explosion hurls him straight into the dragons cave.
  3. he uses a rop and a toothpick to escape.
  4. He dies, but his men find him and...
  5. The dog comes back but he tries to kill the king

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Caleb J

3/27/2014 5:07:33 PM

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