Chili Trading

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 622

Fortunately Fred had spotted an 'Everywhere You Want To Be' chain store and trading post just a couple of tunnels back. He and Velus stride back there, pausing only for a pee break and to destroy a pathetic tentacle monster.
"Hello, friend!" said the short owner and Fred and Velus passed through the green, slightly hissing 'No violence' field.
"What would you like to trade today? Press B to manage your inventory."
"I'm sorry." said the middle aged man. His bald head reflected the covered torches set around the crowded store.
"You said press B to manage your inventory."
"I don't recall such a thing." said the man, smiling. "Maybe the good customer fought one too many monsters? I have a half price sale on healing potions, Press A to see my inventory."
"Wha...ah, never mind. To trade I have a chili recipie stolen from an old man I ... um, distracted."

  1. "I accept your trade." said the man. "Please choose an onbject that is under twenty gold pieces."
  2. "Your trade is unacceptable." said the man smiling. "Please press B to choose a new object to trade."
  3. Suddenly the anti-violence field breaks down and three Velus-sized crab monsters run in.

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