Trusty side-kicks are like burgers.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 62104

"Trusty side kick, coming right up!" Belboz said, in response to Fred's request."

"You're saying it like like it's a burger or a meal from a fast food restaurant! Oh hope this guy's a good fighter." Fred smiles happily, thinking about what his sidekick will be.

FOOMPF! The trusty sidekick appeared. It was a burger. A living, breathing, talking, dancing, thinking, burger.

"...You summoned up a burger, Belboz." Fred grumbles. Partly because the burger made him hungry, partly because he was unhappy.

  1. "Oops! Sorry! I meant to summon a..."
  2. "That's right. Meat McYumyum, the burger."

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