It Failed to Explode

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 61561

Asked what he should say after being confronted by people who would really prefer that he not hang around them, Lord Fred boldly declares "Taste the cold steal of my blade!"

"No, Fred," says his psychiatrist, a very tall and bald woman. "You do not make vague threats of violence whenever somebody either asks or tell you to stay away from them. Furthermore, it's spelled s-t-e-e-l. S-t-e-a-l means to pick up and run off with something that doesn't belong to you."

Fred looks down at the carpeted floor for what feels like an eternity. Finally, he speaks.

"I'm feeling incredibly patronized here."

  1. "So, you must taste the cold steal of my blade!" he boldly declares.
  2. The psychiatrist replies with something devastatingly sarcastic.
  3. Not knowing what else to say, Fred produces his sword. It truly is cold steel. Not steal.

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