A Deal is Struck

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 60734

Fred's and Thesamar Astra's previous experience with a guide had hardly been encouraging, but they felt that they had nothing to lose from accepting Thibodeaux's offer. After all they were not interested in loot, and they potentially had much to gain if he was as good a guide as he claimed. There was also the question of how these brigands might react if the offer was turned down, of course. Fred looked enquiringly at Thesamar, who nodded almost imperceptibly.

"All right," Fred said. "We accept. In exchange for your services as guide, you and your friends can have any loot that we might find, naturally with the single exception of the book if we should manage to find it."

"Then we have a deal," Thibodeaux said. He held out his right hand.

What's he doing that for? Thesamar wondered. To her surprise, Fred took the proferred hand in his own right hand and vigorously shook it up and down. Luckily that seemed to be sufficient, and nobody wanted to shake her own hand. She had no wish to be touched by a strange man (and as far as she was concerned, almost all men fell into that category).

"I'll just fetch my horse," Thibodeaux said. "It's hidden nearby."

A few minutes later he led his horse onto the trail and then mounted it. He said farewell to the other members of his band, and then the three of them went on their way.

  1. "They must trust you," Fred said once they were out of earshot. "What's to prevent you from keeping all the loot for yourself?"
  2. Later that day...
  3. But they had no sooner set out when a cry was heard in the woods about.
  4. Meanwhile, back with the Astra native-born to this world...

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JH (I see that we've oscillated between "Thessamar" and "Thesamar")

7/30/2006 12:15:37 PM

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