On the remarkable properties of Fred-Pellets

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 6006

Three days later, Fred reappeared from the Tiger in the form of a huge mound of Fred-pellets. They proved to be an exceptionally powerful form of fertilizer, and within a few weeks the area where the Tiger has defecated was overgrown with strange plants, each of which sported a flower which bore a startling resemblance to the head of the dead warrior.

Stranger still, the flowers emitted an eerie noise, very much like a man gently sighing "HELP ME - HELP BREAD".

Whatever could it mean?

  1. the flowers are the reincarnation of Fred
  2. nothing - it is all just a coincidence
  3. the Tiger has done its business in an ailing bakery
  4. you tell me

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Eric Kantona

10/20/2004 7:37:32 AM

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