Scott Runs From the Thingie

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 59298

Scott develops an adverse reaction to being made to feel humble and sad: it makes him run away blindly. He has no idea to where he is running. The Thingie, being enormous, cannot move so quickly and so bursts into tears.

Amazingly managing not to run into walls, his luck runs out when he runs back into the library - and into Mitchell. The pair collapse in a tangle of limbs.

The Thingie finds this extremely funny, going from crying to laughing loudly. Before long it's literally rolling in the aisles, knocking the bookcases over and sending their contents flying.

Mitchell, supremely distressed by this, manages to disentangle himself from Scott and makes an effort to catch the tomes before they hit the floor. Unfortunately, this puts him in the way of the rolling form of the Thingie who promptly squashes him flat.

The Thingie stops laughing immediately. It realises what it has done and bursts into tears again. It gets up with great difficulty and picks up the remains of Mitchell with surprising gentleness.

  1. Scott points and laughs. The Thingie thumps him into the floor.
  2. The Thingie disappears in a puff of smoke.
  3. Mitchell suddenly reanimates.

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