A Search for Justice

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 59084

The davar replied, "Removing someones memories is, in my opinion, an ugly thing. Memories are the greater part of the soul. You are starting to sound like the Old Man, back when were both studying law. He would always come up with those damnable paradoxes, and then try to shake the unwary student."

The duke said, "Oh, goodness, yes. Remember the question about the kings? I was glad that you got that one, and not me. I made a point of keeping my mouth shut."

The davar said, "Oh, that one. Yes, there were all sorts of ways that that question could have gone wrong. I not only had to answer the question, comparing a weak but personally moral king with a strong but personally immoral king, but had to do it in such a way that it could not be unfairly mistaken for implied criticism of Artakherkhi the Fourth, who was king at the time."

"Yes. Your approach was clever. A recitation of the facts, and then an answer that both had weaknesses that created problems for their successors. And then I remember the Old Man saying - 'Answer the question, Shaheen Agha. Which was the better King?' And you replied that the question was a bad one!"

"Not quite. I said it was invalid - that the choice was a false one. If I was to be a ruler, I would hope to learn lessons from both kings. One should rule decisively and forthrightly, but also keep in mind that even the king's judgment is not truly the final. God, conscience, and the opinions of future davars will all pass judgment."

"Yes, but one of the lessons that I learned from the Old Man is that much of the time, there is no perfect, or even good, answer to some problems. Especially when one has a huge and powerful neighbour next door."

"Kalaak Agha, have I ever asked you to do anything unreasonable?"

"No, Shaheen. In fact, I am happy that it is you that is davar. If you were not here, and Darvazde Yepenhan were as unsettled as the interior of the Tenge, my life would be far more difficult."

"Thank you. Now, I may not be a king, or a duke, but I do have to watch out for certain things. There is a trade in certain products, as you had mentioned, that has brought some measure of prosperity to this part of the world, but some of these products are undesirable. So, should I be strict about what gets into the town, or show some degree of leniency? There are rival companies of men who make these products that may take the law into their own hands in fighting each other. I cannot extend my jurisdiction into the interior. I have asked the King politely to send a davar into the Tenge interior, but my requests have been ignored. So I have been silent. I do not want to be identified as a tall poppy."

"The tall poppies get mowed down. Yes, I well aware of that."

"But, if one of these disputes spills over to my town, then I must use the full force of the law to let these companies know that Darvazde Yepenhan has no tolerance for illegal duelling, or battery."

"Now, if I may presume to take on the role of the Old Man, answer my original question. What will you do with Astra?"

The davar smirked, and shrugged his shoulders. "Not all the facts are in. So what I will do is ask a lot of questions. My thoughts - if I do not see any changes in evidence - are to recommend that we banish Hesht, if he survives, from Hespan for a period of perhaps three years for illegal duelling. Couriers are adaptable, and his reputation is fairly mild, so I think that would be a fair sanction. Gog might be charged with smuggling of thunderstone across the border in addition to illegal duelling. He might not see the light of day for a while if it is declared that he has been smuggling thunderstone. The King will certainly want to know about that one personally, and he might even launch a general investigation of alchemical activity as well. I am sure that the local alchemists will not be happy, but if they are going to solve their disputes through violence, it might be time to take a closer look at their activities. Astra, of course, has been accused of murder of two guards in Corona. At this time, I see no reason to charge her in the death of Magog. So assuming that that there is a request to the Duke of Penhan to extradite her and assuming that he does so..."

"We have been over that."

The davar continued, "If the King thinks she did it, then she could be sentenced to death by bludgeon. If she were noble, of course, then she could be beheaded by sabre. Now, if she is absolved of murder, I do have a confession of horse-theft. That typically involves a fine, and perhaps public display in the stocks as an object lesson. She does not look like she has any money. Typically in those cases, she would have to earn enough money in some way until she has paid the fine. It is possible that she would have to server Gilder himself."

That duke replied, "She could be Gilder's slave until she could pay the money, then?"

"Not technically, but practically, yes. Another of the Old Man's quandries. Is it more humane to remove her memories before handing her back to Gilder, and in a way kill a part of her, or to hand her back with all her memories intact?"

"That is tough. I would not want to be her right now."

"No, I would not either. Kalaak, thank you for coming, and for your help. I have work to do. I am riding back across the border, and hope that Hesht is alive, so that I can ask questions."

"May God grant that. Good luck, Shaheen."

  1. The Davar gets back across the border without incident, and finds Hesht is still alive.
  2. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the kingdom of Hespan ....

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