A Tail of a New and Reluctant Demifox Lass' Instincts and on Being Demifoxed...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 58676

"But first let us get that blasted vet," Synizn mutters to himself. "And hopefully I run into that d*mn demifox male somewhere out there along the way."

But, naturally, the increasingly crotchety werebear mage fails to locate hide nor hair of the waylaid Fred so in ill humor hires the vet. Impatiently, he assists the skilled (and discrete) man with the delivery.

"I suggest that you lay the newborns next to the sleeping females head," he says softly while cleaning the mewling newborns --six all, three of each sex--of the afterbirth (taking care to NOT get any of the bloody fluids on his person). "The . . . trauma that the female went through that necessitated putting her under for this may make the instinctive bonding between mother and kits fail, so I would suggest that course of action."

Synizn blinks, about to ask how this man would have knowledge about such matters, but instead keeps his silence. Maybe he'd been hired in the past to deliver under similar circumstances. Maybe not with transformed humans into demifoxes, but with unconscious demifox females?

Whatever the case, it would not pay to ask. Like with the fact that this vet will stay silent when he paid the man for this task, so will he stay silent for past tasks from past employers.

The vet was good for stuff like that. Besides, with the rather stubborn nature of this female, even IF mothering instincts kicks in she shall still be clamoring to be restored to humanity (even IF the link between offspring and mother shall survive the tranformation from one form or another)...

Of that, Synizn is sure of for some reason...

That said....

Besides, this is Walants and one doesn't pay to be overly curious, anyway. People who are overly curious . . . tend to disappear.

Besides, now was for the next step and he knew he didn't have much time left him. Not like it was critical (had a bit of time left), but . . . it was getting so very tiring . . . fighting of the beast within yet AGAIN. It was time and by NOW he was fairly confident that . . . while perhaps he wasn't sure that he could safely CURE lycathropy, he was confident enough that the Crystallic could tweak one kind of lycanthropy into another kind!

Not like he could safely return to his original form. Old enemies had . . . confiscated his Hoard, which meant they'd confiscated the very substances that kept a dragon alive and healthy.

They'd taken no chances, his enemies (damn them). Return now and he'd find himself . . . dieing.

"Well, being a demifox can't be as bad as a werebear!" he mutters, setting up.

So, after lifting the sleep spell upon the slumbering Astra, he goes about and . . .

Reels as the room spins and swirls about him, finding himself looking up at it from a rather . . .shorter position than before. A goofy grin spreads itself on his face which grows and grows as the warm and fuzzy nature of demifoxdom tickles his very soul and being.

Giggling, he gives off a yipping howl of delight, transformed and reveling in it! No longer dragon! Not even ar human being cursed as a animal during the phase of the full moon! Our former werebear mage was thus quickly and totally consumed, fully demifoxed in mind, body and soul!!

Why did I ever want to become a dragon again? he asks himself, smiling and giggling still, shivering in delight.

. . . .

The Crystallic had a little joke here and went a bit further than asked (given that it decided it had enough leeway)....

His master needed some cheering up, so . . . why not? Doing him a favor, really... Was a real bear of a person, even beforehand...

Meanwhile, Astra awakens from a rather confused and jarring sets of dreams. Dreams of having been transformed into various different from as small as a pixie to as LARGE as a dragon! Not sure exactly what species she was (so vivid the dreams), her ears quirk in curiousity as faint snufflings greet her consciousness.

  1. Leaf green vulpine eyes open, and upon seeing the litter of newborns before her . . .

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