Mrs. Lupkus

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 58351

Josh recalls the most traumatizing event (to him) of his life. A former school teacher giving him a funny look. He faints.
Scott draws 'My mommy loves me' on Josh's face in permanent marker. He does this in reverse so Josh can see it in a mirror if Josh ever looks in a mirror. (Doubtful. Ever since being brainwashed into thinking he had two noses, Josh avoided direct looks into shiny things).
Life goes on.

  1. Scott sells Josh's socks on eBay.
  2. Some cat somewhere does something annoying.
  3. Flying birds!
  4. Josh dreams of the time the janitor gave him some comics. Josh had thirteen consecutive nervous breakdowns and spent summer break in the mental ward of a senior home.
  5. Josh sits up, pulls an entire, undamaged cherry/apple pie from his left pocket and gives Scott some.

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