
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 57175

Sabok had stopped along the side of the Old Frontier Road to rest. He had been walking from the north of Hespan, and was headed for the Tenge by the Old Frontier Road. He had no money, no food, a little water, and a flute. He had slept out in the open the previous night, and would likely do so again tonight. And he was happy.

His final destination was to be Corona, but by a roundabout way, through parts of Hespan that he had never seen before. He had heard that there was something stirring on the border of the canyon lands, although no two accounts were the same. No matter. When he got there, he would find shelter somewhere, and perhaps even stay at a hacienda of a local lord. Coming with news from the north, and with many ways to bring a smile to a host's face, he was sure that he would get a warm reception somewhere. And the rain of a few days ago was now gone. The weather was clear and pleasant. What was he going to worry about? Robbers? He had been robbed before. If one kept his head, it was not a bad experience. He had little to lose, and often the robbers would let him go with little more than an insult. Wild animals? But most animals were scared of men, even the big ones. It would take a very hungry animal to want to attack him. Life was good for Sabok, as it always had been.

He absent-mindedly started singing to himself, in a flowing, waltz- like rhythm.

Would I be
The King of
Great Hespan?
No I don't
think it so.
Night and day
What is said
To me is
true or just
No, I would
Rather be
Just Sabok.

Would I be
the rich man
selling silks?
No I don't
think it so....

Sakok now spied a horse off in the distance, along what he thought was a disused trail. He saw a stout young man and a fair woman with long white hair riding. This was great. They might have money, food, or news. They were about thirty paces away.

  1. Sabok hails them from the road, and asks them to stop.
  2. Sabok sits down and starts playing his flute, hoping to attract attention.

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