Namak and Felfel

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 57174

Near the junction of the trail and the road, two young men stood with hard, thick sticks, heavy gloves, and two vials of a light yellow ointment. Both Namak and Felfel were couriers who were familiar with the wilds of the Tenge. They were also very fast, as all couriers of light alchemical products were. Their mission was to find Hesht and Astra if they ventured north. If they found them, then they were to bring them back. Now neither of them could shoot an arrow, and they would have a disadvantage if there was a man-on-man fight. Hesht was stronger than they were as he had worked hauling heavy loads of tar from the beaches in the south, and Astra was said to stronger than even the most husky Hespaniard peasant woman. Namak and Felfel brought clubs with them as a precaution, but the ointment was the key. If they could find a way to rub the ointment onto an exposed patch of skin, Hesht and Astra would quickly become very tired and lethargic and would fall asleep. Then Namak could bind them while Felfel went to Petrona to bring up the posse.

It was not a certain plan, but it was the best that they could come up with under the circumstances. Not knowing about their horse, they had assumed that they would have an advantage in speed. They were now at the junction of a trail that Felfel knew about.

"How long should we wait?" asked Namak.

"I do not know. We have enough food to last until lunch, and then we are either going to have to open a cache or go to town."

"If I were Hesht, I would be tempted to hide out on the trail, and sponge off the caches."

"There is too many things that can go wrong. The caches will run out eventually. Someone might come by. The rains might come back. Word of their disappearance will go out, and more people will be looking for him. And the woman was said to be quite pretty, and very much wanted to get away from Still Manor. Hesht could probably hide indefinitely, but I think that she might not have as much patience."

"I would really like to see this woman. It was said that she has hair as white as an old woman's but skin fairer and smoother than the Jalaria of Calife."

"Have you ever seen Jarlaria?"

"Yes, when I had to deliver some medicine for Gushta to the port of Corona. I spent a copper and half and got a seat next to the stage at a show in Corona. Best value for the money I ever had."

"Is she still there?"

"I would think so. The show was very popular. Governor Gilder is a regular."

"Can you snag me a delivery for Corona port? I keep getting stuff for Penhan or up north. Nothing but a bunch of tight-fisted merchants and family men."

"Next time I see Gushta, I will put a word in for you. You have to see Corona at least ...."

Just then Felfel poked his arm. Namak now noticed two people on a horse working their way along the trail to the Old Frontier Road. They were about thirty paces away.

  1. Namak and Felfel walk forward and call out to the riders.
  2. Namak and Felfel stay at the junction, opening vials of ointment.

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