Bruno's Cafe

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5714

Chapter 1: Waiting on Line for a Job

Written by ZOIDRubashov

Actual site is located at

You are not at the end of the line, but that does not matter. It is not a cold day. The trees, the few city trees that you saw last night and that you can see now if you strain your eyes are starting to bud. You stand on the line with more individuals than you care to count because at the end of the line is a job.

There will be fifty jobs, and if you qualify a lottery will decide who gets them. You have answered countless want-ads. You have knocked on doors. You have filled out applications, all to no avail. So now it is the line. You are not sure what you will do if there is no job at the end of the line. You are not sure there will be a job. You are only sure that it will be a long dreary wait. Of course there are people standing in front of you and behind you in the line you can talk to, but being on this line is a bit like being in prison. You don't really want to know what that other guy is in for. On the other hand, waiting on line is boring and you don't really want to think about what you are doing here or why you are REALLY on line.

Being on line is awful. Being unemployed is awful. The two choices you have are awful..

But they are your choices nonetheless.

The idea for this opening episode donated by Kiwah of both Natches, MS and Detroit, MI and this is dedicated to her friends both physically alive and otherwise.

  1. Talk to a person standing next to you in the line.
  2. Think about what really brings you to this line.

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