
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 57098

After 3 more days being on his new human host Fred's life cycle was terminated. Now normally it's not news when a flea dies, but when a flea has their stomach explode it may be important.

What Fred the flea was suffering the last few days was a buildup of bacteria in his stomach, and in fact the buildup was so large no blood could go through into his stomach hence why the blood usually came out again when he was feeding. However the blood could go to his gizzard and that is what exploded when Fred kept eating and eating.

What was the bacteria that caused this tragedy... none other then Yersinia pestis, otherwise known as the bacteria that causes the Bubonic Plague. Fred the Oriental Rat Flea picked it up from the black rat and hence this led to the death, but when Fred went to the stableboy Velus the blood that dribbled out of his probiscus had some of the rat blood in it and gave the boy the disease.

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