Zombies around the car dealership

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 55132

Employees and customers had become stuck inside when the zombies had rampaged (somehow VERY fast in this section of the world). They had the presence of mind to block the doors and weaker windows with large, hulking vehicles. But not to pack up the large amount of snacks in the second- floor break room from the double-birthday party for the two owners. Fred and three employees, all college students, are wrapping up all the food (better frosting then nothing in a seige) when they hear a strange sound. Barking. But where it is coming from?

  1. The janitor's closet. Marge, a victim of the first attack, had snuck her puppy to work...Marge wasn't very bright.
  2. The roof. A K-9 officer and his dog had parachuted out of a zombie-infected plane.
  3. The parking lot. A very large mutt is running for the front door, thirty feet behind him are three zombies. Fred cracks the door and the dog runs faster...
  4. The woods on the far side of the building. Fred and the manager forbid all from investigating.
  5. Same as 4 but two employees and a tall investment banker push Fred over and run out to 'rescue the dog'. One man screams two minutes later.
  6. One of the display cars. Nobody knew how the dog had gotten in.
  7. An eager St. Bernard standing in front of an open fire escape. OPEN! OH CRAP.

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