
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 55126

Fred helps defend the local hospital; it was a very large and sprawling facillity.
Unfortunately mistakes had been made and nobody realized the long-dead bodies in the teaching sub-section had revived.
Well, now they did. The seven corpses shambled across the glassed walkway connection Buildings 3 and 4. Fred backed up, three innocent civillains behind him. Fred waved the flaming mop ahead of him, knowing full well this was a very stupid weapon indeed.

  1. Fred and the three people escape to safety.
  2. Fred and one of the people escape to safety.
  3. Fred sets off the sprinklers. The zombies slip and fall.
  4. The far end of the walkway smashes in and S.W.A.T. members rappel in.
  5. One of the three people Fred was protecting turns.
  6. Fred is pulled down and devoured.
  7. The group's planned retreat point, the gynecology center, is over-run, someone had spilled a contaminated sample the hospital had been testing.
  8. Fred snaps the mop in half and uses the un-burning section to poke the zombies in their heads. They collapse, no longer dangerous.

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