
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 54611

"Captain Lots" pulls off his disguise to reveal:

"Auric Goldfinger!"

As Fred staggers back in surprise, the "pirates" also unmask themselves to reveal a bunch of boiler-suited henchmen, while the large sheets of painted canvas used to create the impression of an 18th century galleon on the High Seas are rolled back to reveal their real location - a vast underground cavern filled with all sorts of strange machinery.

By the time Fred's gaze has returned to Goldfinger, he has a small but nonetheless deadly-looking handgun trained at his head.

"There's just one problem, Mr Goldfinger" Fred retorts drily:

  1. "I'm not James Bond!"
  2. "I didn't come here without a plan!"
  3. "How did I know your name?"
  4. "You're not Auric Goldfinger!"

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Eric Kantona ("he's the man, the man with the Midas Touch!")

12/15/2005 3:17:45 AM

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