
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 54502

Randolph sat very quietly near Fred, though there were plenty of other seats. He was medium sized, about thirty years old. He had sky-black hair, a small nose, a chin that almost wasn't there and an ugly blue jumpsuit. Something seemed to have stained his chest pocket. His right sleeve had several unidentifiable patches on it. It looked as if Randolph had won a few awards, or maybe drunken stichwomen had gone mad on that section of his clothing.
He was mostly quiet.
Every thirty seconds or so, just when you thought he would not be doing it again, he would clear his throat.

  1. Fred ponders.
  2. Fred decpitates Randolph.
  3. Fred tells Randolph to shut his stupid mouth.
  4. Beer.
  5. More waiting.

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