The One for the Job

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 53718


But I can't say that I feel any regret over what I did, she projects.

A quick (and much regretted) glance at the body over the way and then back at the unicorn mare pretty much tells me as much. There was nothing halfway about the will she went into the . . . goring before (or during). That AND if only by the way she still holds her regal head up high (and proud) I can well tell she has no regrets afterwards.

Maybe besides lack of guilt it also might be that they are not worried that the fallen wizard was their only way back to humanity?

. . .

Do they want to return to human? After all, if Pronklezilch’s transformation should involve the same level of transformation as what I and Allan underwent into our new, blessed form then they . . . might be not so quick at wanting such! Might not want to return at all, point in fact.

I know that I sure did not when I was given a chance and . . .

. . .

But right now, all that is academic until when/if we actually find this supposed "Crystallic" (or whatever) that might or might not have transformed them! Until then, such questions are rather pointless, shall we say? Right now, given tales from Artizza's prior adventures before coming into the Doctor's group about wizardly might I am not totally sold upon the idea that there need be some fabled lost Atlantian artifact that . . .

"Found it," Elrondir says from behind me. He holds up a wand that morphs into a rather . . . . gaudy looking crystalline figurine of some sort.

. . .

Sigh, then again I can freely admit that sometimes a hunch can work . . .

. . .

Then again, did Sigin not say that elfin hunches tend to be more on the mark than "non-elfin" ones? Maybe there is something to that, being that there really is such a thing as magic and other things found under the stars than Horatio's philosophies, to paraphrase Shakespeare. After all, are I and Allan now creatures of fantasy or not?!

Indeed, there is much to still learn...

But all that still said, we still have some matters to attend to here. Or rather, by needs it must be Sigin who attends to this next part. Though according to the tales that my friends tell me about similar almost godlike gems even those without a trace of magical talent can use it (just ask a certain sister of Artizza who'd gotten her skin magically blackened by a solicitor), the best chance for success lay with our most experienced person in magery.

  1. And that means Sigin . . .

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