Fairy vs. Belboz

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5298

Fred just stood back and watched the argument between the Fairy and Belboz.

"Oh, come of it, pixie." Belboz growled, "I stole him over 231 years ago! You can't honestly still want him back!

"Well, no, I don't. Drazil was always a bit of a hassle, you know, killing and eating our inhabitants." The fairy said calmly, "However, it is a serious breach of Fairy laws to steal anything while in the realm!

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a fairy!" Belboz replied sarcastically, "So I don't need to follow your foolish laws!"

"Yes you do! The laws apply to anyone within the realms! You're coming with me, Belboz!"

"I am, am I? We'll see about that!" Belboz swatted at her like a fly. The fairy hit the ground. SPLAT. Fred winced.

Belboz laughed, "Anyone want some fairy bread?"

  1. "I shall slay you now, Belboz, for the murder of the fairy."
  2. "Jolly good show!" Fred replied devilishly, "I think this 'evil' thing looks like fun!"

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