No more Mister Nice Guy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5297

This was getting ridiculous thought Fred. First he discovered that the royal map was incorrect, then he stumbled upon a spell-binder, and now a sprite had confronted the evil mage. ~~Where's the dragon?~~ thought Fred.

Then, almost as if in response to his very thoughts, a rumbling was felt within that portion of the tunnels. For the first time Fred looked about the place and noticed the strange configurations upon the earthen walls. He noticed the great bonfire that consumed the center of the great hall. He noticed the stone pillars that seemed to be holding the ceiling aloft. He noticed the walls, made of earth – carved from the earth truth be told – and the few frescos that decorated the otherwise bare surface. He saw that one wall had been plastered with some material and then painted with a scene from nature: an open glade with trees and lilies and birds of many varieties. Yet among the beautiful aves were ugly crows as well, and these seemed to be sipping at a pool of red ochre waters. He also noticed that coming from out of the ochre pool was the head of a serpent – no, not a serpent, but an infant wyrm.

The rumbling came again and Fred ceased his inspection and returned his gaze to the sprite and the necromancer. They had moved from where they had been, near to the floating Book and orb of light. He recalled how he had thought that light within a dragon's cave would be a sign of safety, how wrong he had been. The Book was still levitating of its own accord; it was a thin tome and it looked dull and uninspiring, yet from it flowed the globe of pure light and the light of the orb outshone even the light of the fire that burned in the center of the hall. Fred's attention shifted again, this time remaining on the two angry forms before him.

"How DARE you accuse me of Evil, you little malignant imp!" shouted the spell-binder at the sprite. "I am a fair man of modest means, and I use my gifts, my talents, my skill as would any other man."

"YOU," screeched the sprite. "Are nothing more than prostituting our power!"

"ME?!!? All must eat and I am simply paid a fair price for what I do! Nothing more, nothing less!!!"

"And now it's time to 'take over the bloody world' is it?!!?"

"And why NOT?!?? Every dog has it's day in the sun, every lad has his 15 minutes of fame, and a sucker is born every minute! It's MY turn to have some fun now. No more 'get me a love potion', 'cook me a voodoo hex', or 'send me to Haven where the food is fast and the girls are faster'! NO MORE! Now it's gonna be ME who gives the orders and ME who gets the girl!"

"But it's OUR dragon!" said the sprite in a slightly calmer tone. "And we're taking it back!"

  1. In our next exciting episode: Evil vs. Evil

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