Change of Scenery?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 51646

"Get away from me!" Frederica shouted. She shot forward as if to strangle him. The man drew back with a quick, sharp movement like a serpent's. "Don't worry," he said smoothly." "We're only here to protect you. You and your child are in great, great danger."

Frederica couldn't bring herself to speak to the man. She turned away and tried not to start crying. The man, though, could apparently tell she had wanted to ask. "We can't tell you why you're in danger just yet," he said. "We'll tell you when you're ready to understand." He muttered something she couldn't hear. Frederica suddenly felt very tired. She sank into the blackness of sleep.

When she woke up, she saw that she was alone in a different room. It was small, antiseptic, exactly the same size as the last one, with a hard, lumpy bed. But a metal bookshelf filled with old books covered one wall, and there was a plain, unframed mirror on the other.

Suddenly panicking, she leaped out of bed and tried to pull open the door. But it was locked. She punched it with frustration, until she realized that it would do no good.

  1. Frederica examines the books on the bookshelf.
  2. Frederica examines the mirror.

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