The Never Ending Quest - Episode 51023

A soon as Josh picks up the book, he feels an all-too-familiar tugging sensation, and then blacks out. Anyone watching would have seen him swirl out of existence, like water going down the sink (but much faster). The comic flutters to the ground, then disappears and reappears back where it was. Slowly the whole rack of comic books fade and are replaced by a vending machine.

Josh wakes up with a monstrous headache, in a tiny cell. In his lap is 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Multiverse'. Josh groans. "Not this one," he says. "the author, although a huge fan, is unaccomplished in doing situational fiction in the Hitchhiker universe." he then looks confused. "What did I just say?" Shaking his head, he gets up to look around his sparse cell.

By sparse I mean sparse. He has a thin mattress on a steel shelf, something that looks vaguely toilet-like, and a thinly padded chair. There is no visible door to his cell.

Two hours later...

  1. Nothing has changed. Josh is bored stiff.
  2. The wall opens... it's a vogon!
  3. The wall opens... its Ford Prefect!
  4. Josh cries.
  5. Josh reads a random article from his Guide.
  6. The ceiling opens... its Zaphod!
  7. The floor opens, and Arthur dent sticks his head in. "Well, come on!" he says.
  8. Lord Reaibn Daenorth is sued for copyright infringement. "Dammit!" he exclaims.

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