Enter, the Prize

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 50275

Fred swished the word in his mind for long moments... he had never heard such an odd word. what can it mean? thought he. enter...prize; what in darfoook's left crease does THAT mean? but even as he pondered that strange sounding word a wave rushed upon the sands, wetting the already soggy Fred and taking away some of the more loose sand. What was uncovered startled Fred to no end: a greenish foot.

Fred, out of some perverse curiosity, began to dig around the foot and soon found that it was connected to a leg and the leg was connected to a buttock and the buttock was... well, you get the picture, and so did Fred. Within a short period of time he was looking at a corpse. The corpse of a woman, a wierd-looking one at that: her flesh was slightly green (though Fred figured that was due to her being dead) and worse of all she had pointy ears.

a pixie! thought Fred. but she's damn near MY size, and pixies just don't get that big!

Another strong wave broke over him, over the corpse and over the wreckage. It uncovered more grim surprises. Within hours (what else did Fred have to do anyway?) Fred was staring at six corpses - the dead pixie-giant, five dead human-folk, and what Fred could only guess was a dead ogre-pygmy. The dead ogre-pygmy was uglier than Zin (and Zin was the ugliest baby ever born in Allaria) and was only five feet tall (hence the "pygmy" part as ogres naturally grew to twelve feet tall). The human-corpses were an odd assortment too: two were men who looked like normal Allarians, but one had flesh the color of night, and the blackness didn't come off! another looked attractive enough, but her flesh was not quite pink like that of normal Allarians and her eyes were slanted!

Another wave broke in and this time Fred was tired of being beaten by the waves and of finding strange corpses... he decided to leave this somber, ugly place and head away from the sea, at least temporarily. He would return when he was drier and rested so as to find the prize these dead people were hiding. Fred wasn't much of a linguist and he wasn't always a hero, but he was a man, a medieval man, and medieval men never did anything without the lure of a prize. And he knew that there had to be one roundabouts, after all, the "sign" said so!

  1. Fred dries off...

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