Tales of the Borderlands: A Dream Come True?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 50186

The last of the delegates drifted out of the sacred garden, wearing ugly robes of state with violenty clashing bright colors. "Well, thank Artemis that's over," said Belinda.

"Sadly, it's not," said her father, Jason. "The ambassadors from Tetrilonia are finished, but tomorrow the delegation from Allaria is arriving. Although I'll say one thing about that, it certainly won't be boring."

So now was the time. Belinda had been certain that her sister would have returned by now. Somehow, she always did, even when things seemed the most hopeless. But the rangers who had searched for her far and wide had brought back no news of her at all, save that she had been dishonored and vanished into nowhere. It seemed impossible for Astra to be truly dead, but it seemed impossible for Astra to break her sacred oath. Yet if the rangers had heard truly, she'd lost her virginity to an Allarian knight, gotten pregnant and fled to a sordid shadow-city. She'd arived at the city as a werefox and left as a human, so Belinda wanted to believe that the curse had overtaken her mind and she did not truly break her oath. But even if she had not willed it, she had been shamed, and with her her whole house.

"Lost in thought?" said Jason. Belinda said nothing and stared out the window. It was evening now, and the lights from the palace cast flickering shadows on the statue of Matron Hipparcha. Since her time no foreign land had ever held Aqualaria, the one nation never to bend the knee even to the Great Empire. But the Dragon's ravages had burned their fields and harmed their economy, and if the war they feared was coming, they might not be able to withstand it.

"Any word about Astra?" she finally asked, even though she suspected the answer

Jason shook his head. "None of the Rangers of Artemis have returned yet, though we may need them again soon if the war starts."

"Damn it!" said Belinda. She'd always known that, since Astra had made an oath to Artemis, she would have no children and Belinda would succeed her when she died. But why did it have to be this soon? She was one of the greatest warriors in the kingdom, but being a ruler was something else. Sometimes Belinda felt more angry about this than she did about her mother's death and her sister's disappearance, and that ashamed her. At least she had her father's guidance. They'd always been fairly close, she'd been somewhat closer to her father than to her mother. She took after him physically too, slim and fair-haired, but she had her mother's green eyes. She slammed her fist against the conference table, though she knew it would gain her nothing except a sore hand. "I'm supposed to be the Queen now, but I can't do anything!"

"Your mother often said the same thing," said Jason. "Such is often the case for rulers."

"I can't believe Astra still hasn't come back. I thought she could surivive just about anything."

"I thought much the same about Heliastra. But she died in a mere accident..."

"Accident," said Belinda scornfully.

"As far as we know. Even making an accusation could potentially lead to war, and we shouldn't start a war, either without or within, if we don't know for certain. Though both Duchess Persephone and certain people in Allaria have much to gain from the queen's death, the heir's disappearance, and the fact that the state is now co-ruled by a 'mere' man, it still could be a coincidence."

"But what about all the monsters that have been seen in the North? Surely this is nature crying out at the Queen's murder." Since the queen had died, Belinda had heard tales of many strange things in the north. The keep at Alyx had been attacked by a green flame that drove those who saw it mad. Corpses of slaughtered soldiers had wandered the streets crying out for their lost loved ones. And most strangely of all, a merchant ship bound for the Eastern kingdom of Aumerie had turned back upon seeing a skeletal whale followed by a flock of fish and birds of a kind that no one had seen before in the known world, so thick as to blot out the sun. Such tales were always told by the people when a ruler died under suspicious circumstances, or a virgin of Artemis broke her vow, but Belinda and her father had heard it from people who were not inclined toward telling tall tales.

"Was it my Heliastra's death, or was it the Dragon's? I have often wondered about that question. There have been tales told of strange things lurking in teh shadows of the Shreken long before the Dragon first ventured from the Northern Caves. Perhaps it kept them in check."

"Are you saying Astra did wrong to kill the Dragon?"

"No. But all our actions bear fruits which we never intended. Which is why we should not walk up to the edge of war without knowing what we're doing."

Belinda gazed out the window of the conference room once more, to that proud statue, palced there to remind any foreigners in the room of Aqualaria's might. It seemed strong and invincible and it had held up for many centuries. But how much longer?

Lord Frederigo D'Honaire turned his back to the cheering crowd and followed his liege into the palace. "I hope that has restored your spirits somewhat," said Emry. "We have much to discuss."

Emry led Lord Fred into a secluded chamber near the throne room. There was already someone waiting for them there. He wore a grey cloak whose bronze clasp was in the shape of an eye--the garb of a Watcher of the White Hand. "Are you Carradene, then?" said Lord Fred.

The Watcher nodded. Fred felt considerable relief, remembering the fears he'd felt in his dream last night. [19467] With the Watcher at hand, there would be no danger he would be overcome by his curse and attack the King without warning.

"Hello, Watcher Carradene," said the King. Carradene bowed. "Let us now conduct our business. I have a few words for both of you that are best not heard in public." The three of them sat down at an old, distinguished table. "Lord Frederigo, yours is not the only troubled spirit in this land. For as you have no doubt heard by now, Queen Heliastra is reported to have died in a riding accident some weeks ago. With the princess missing - and we now know to be dead - there is considerable confusion in Aqualaria. At the moment, Astra's younger sister is acting as regent, advised by her father, but she cannot be crowned queen until they know for certain that Astra is dead."

Much to the surprise of both the King and Carradene, Fred burst out into raucous laughter. They drew back. "And are certain of your dukes crying out for war?" said Fred hoarsely.

"Yes..." said Emry, who had turned slightly pale. "Some of my dukes are urging me to take advantage of the confusion in Aqualaria, and to take military action against them. It is a tempting idea; it would keep the nobles busy, and... potentially alleviate certain tensions that are developing in this kingdom."

"Especially with Zular's camp?" said Fred.

"I have no reason for believing Duke Zular Mollari to be disloyal, but yes, there has been a certain amount of tension between us of late. Our peace is not threatened, mind you, but... we are a nation of great warriors. And many of us have not had a chance to gain glory in battle in quite some time. Again, there is no direct threat of civil war, but perhaps some of them would otherwise think of gaining glory from fighting their own people."

Fred laughed again, even louder than before. "If we think there is truly any glory in war, than it has indeed been a long time since we have fought one. Would the dukes seek war? Then let them go to the shadows of the Shreken and they will find foes greater than any human army, who would drive even the greatest of heroes mad!" He pounded his fist on the table. "As for me, I shall never stand for such a war, for Astra's sake. I owe her a debt that has not been payed for she gave her very life for me, unworthy as I am of it. I will not disobey your will, but I beg you not to take this course."

"My liege, I take it that you are against this war as well?" said Carradene. "For Chanticleer presented Astra as a great hero in his song."

"I said nothing one way or another to Chanticleer about Astra," said the King. "The people adore her now, but they are fickle. There are many other less complimentary stories about Aqualaria which the dukes could remind them of. And where do you and your comrades stand, Watcher Carradene?"

"I stand against it as well," said Carradene, "as do the seven archmages . [14966] For as Lord Frederigo said, we are already at war. We are at war against the dark things that awaken from their slumber in the Shreken, and they have attacked Aqualaria as well. Have we so soon forgotten the Green Flame that ravaged Batlan Keep, the Flame that has also come to Aqualaria? Our nations must stand together or surely we will both fall."

"A very prudent course, Watcher Carradene," said the King. "But many of my dukes do not think so. They do not understand the shadows that fall over the kingdom, so they refuse to admit they exist. The song will make them fresh in the people's minds, but if they are caught up in the excitement of a war, they may forget it until it is too late. Nevertheless I hope that the delegation we sent to Aqualaria is carrying out its work well. Though I fear some of the men in the delegation may be in Zular's pay."

"I hope so as well," said Carradene, "for we sent several members of the White Hand with them to give them the cure for the Green Flame's effects that we developed, though I fear we do not know how long that cure will last. I trust that you will do your best to ensure we are prepared to face whatever the Shreken may spew forth next, my leige. I ask your leave to speak to Lord Frederigo alone."

"And you may have it," said King Emry. "One more thing. I have somewhat happier news for you, Lord Frederigo. For some time your father and I have been talking about giving my daughter your hand in marriage. Your courage in the quest you have carried out has proven you more than worthy of it. Perhaps it will give you an incentive to put aside those dark thoughts from your mind."

Frederigo hung his head. "My liege, I am honored, but I cannot. Ask anything else of me, my liege, but not this."

"And why not?" said King Emry somewhat petunantly. "Do you still grieve for Astra?"

"I did not love her in that way, though I once thought I did. She was more than a wife or a lover to me, she was my friend, my comrade in arms. And she died because of me! Because of my curse! If report speaks truly your daughter is a good and virtuous woman, as well as beautiful. Do you want to see her damned? What if my curse were to fall upon your house?"

"Lord Frederigo, just as you have a duty to take care of your lands, you have a duty to provide an heir. You are the only living son of your house, so if the curse you fear strikes you down, do you wish to leave this world having left behind no heir? Besides, Eryn does not fear easily. And as for Astra, she was a brave warrior who faced terrible enemies, like you. Her death was sad, but not surprising. Do not blame yourself, for her death was her own."

"If you bid me do so, I will follow your will, my liege."

With that, King Emry stood up and left the room. Lord Frederigo scrutinized Carradene more closely. Carradene had been careful to be courteous and deferential to the King, but he had not by any means been cowed. He had long grey hair and a majestic beard. Many mages were somewhat because their work required little physical activity but Carradene was strong and lean. There was something of the wolf about him.

"So," said Carradene. "What would you do next, Lord Frederigo D'Honaire?"

"I do not know. My fate is no longer in my hands. I fear that I am a hunted animal caught in a trap, and the more I struggle the more I am ensnared. The gods might give me aid, but I fear to approach them because I have used the power of Hell..."

"The gods have already spoken to you. Don't you remember the old beggar who gave you a message from Rhom and Rham? [8697]"

"Yes--riddling nonsense about spiders and bees and poison-flowers! How do you know that he truly speaks for the gods and is not a mere madman or liar?"

"I spoke briefly with the seven archmages before they set out to Batlan Keep, and they all said they believed that this man truly spoke for Ram and Rhom. There is a man who can interpret those words if they are true, and even if they be madness or lies, it would perhaps be good for you to speak to him. He is the Heirophant Balthasar who presides at the first temple of Rham and Rom in Kylan in the north."

"I have heard of him. He is a very wise and holy man but I fear I am beyond even his aid. Do you want to know why I laughed? On the night before my family reached Caemlyn I had a dream where the King spoke to me and told me of the death of Heliastra and the fact that some dukes wanted a war. And the King today used the exact words he did in my dream! And... in my dream, he told me something else too. Do you remember what the witch of the Haunted Woods told me about the Queen of Clubs? [5724, 6349] In my dream, the King told me that the Queen of Clubs stood for Astra, because her skin had been turned black and because the suit of clubs symbolized warriors. And she may yet still be alive!"

"And do you wish to turn aside from this journey and seek her out?"

"Carradene, I am accursed. If Astra yet lives, I must not seek her out or my curse will truly kill her."

"You must put the words of the wyrd-woman from your mind. And you must take care before you act on any dreams you have, for I do not doubt that the one who sent you that dream is the same as the one who told you those words."

"I knew that, Carradene. I am not fool enough to trust myself."

"Take care you do not distrust yourself too much. By the way, I recommend that Rowena, Chanticleer, Pall and Flynt Locke accompany you if you go to see Balthasar, as the beggar spoke to them as well."

"I doubt that Pall will be happy about that," said Lord Fred, smiling thinly.

"We've talked enough of riddles and dark things now," said Carradene. "The celebration is not yet over. There's plenty of feasting to be had and songs to be sung."

"Then let's get to the banquet hall before Chanticleer steals all my food," said Fred.

In another part of the palace, the Princess Eryn sat alone. She knew that she could not afford to wait for much longer before the banquet would begin, which meant that she would not have time to cast the runes again. Soon she would be under the eyes of a Watcher of the White Hand, and she did not want any traces of forbidden magic remaining on her. And if she waited too long alone, people might ask questions.

But then again, who would suspect the King's own daughter of being a follower of the Amber Way? [13823]

  1. Words spoken at a feast...

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