One of the Smeara

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4948

"You are standing on the ground," Fred said while walking slowly towards the white horse, "and yet I just know that you are a flying horse. How can this be?"

Fred suddenly heard a clear voice inside his head, as if the very soul of the great beast in front of him had crept inside his brain.

I do not know, I did not write the previous episode, although I am happy to have been written, or else I would not be here, the voice said.

Fred could not decide if the voice belonged to a male or a female, old or young. He only knew that he was lucky to still be alive: This was clearly one of the Smeara, the ghost-like wild horses that would sometimes gallop around in Allaria. Anyone that met one of the Smeara would die the moment their eyes beheld it.

Fred felt quite alive, and he continued gazing in wonder at the great horse.

  1. "What do you want?" he asked.
  2. Better safe than sorry, Fred thought, and slayed the ghost.

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